The company


Osby Mekan AB was founded in 2002 and is today one of Sweden’s leading suppliers in cutting machining.


We are 40 employees and today have a turnover of SEK 90 million. In recent years, we have made extensive investments in our machine park.

Our single biggest asset is our highly qualified and motivated staff.


The company has a long tradition of cutting processing.

We find motivation in challenging our processes and in constantly improving them. All to offer our customers products in the right quality, at the right time and at the right price.

We are used to working close to our customers and can contribute in a professional way with our expertise in our customers’ development projects.


We work with continuous development of our products and processes with the aim of helping our customers increase their competitiveness by optimizing our products and processes.

This together with a good economy and a very modern machine park makes us a very strong and long-term partner.

Environmental policy

Osby Mekan AB must comply with current legislation, regulatory requirements, customer requirements that can be derived from the company’s environmental aspects. Constantly establish, follow up and develop new environmental goals and strive to replace products and services with environmentally friendly alternatives to prevent negative environmental impact.

Osby Mekan will work to create sustainable development for our environment.

The environmental policy must be complied with as follows:

  • Osby Mekan AB’s own operations are in some respects environmentally impactful. The environmental impact is found in the properties of the products used in the business. We will strive to use products that affect the environment as little as possible.
  • Respective buyers are responsible for ensuring that the range does not contain products with properties that are contrary to Swedish law and the Swedish Chemicals Agency’s instructions.
  • Osby Mekan AB undertakes to comply with current legislation and to prevent environmental impact by constantly improving products and working methods.
  • Osby Mekan AB will annually establish and follow up overall and detailed environmental goals.
  • The awareness of environmental issues among the staff within Osby Mekan AB must be kept at such a level that the environmental work is conducted throughout the company and in accordance with the policy.
Do you have questions or concerns regarding our work or products?